Want to make better decisions? Release your need for certainty and trust your intuition.

One of the greatest resources we have access to when making decisions, is our intuition. Sadly so many people find it difficult to trust theirs. Brene Brown in ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ (2018) captures the reasons for this perfectly. I use her teachings to share some insights in this blog. One reason I find is […]

Presentation Anxiety

Watching the BAFTAs last night, seeing the host Richard E Grant, an excellent actor and performer, reminded me of several sessions I have had with clients. I thought I would share some insights I have taken from coaching clients, both career and performance coaching, as I am often asked to support them to overcome their […]

Why we shouldn’t make assumptions….

In a training session with middle leaders this week, we were focusing on leading others, one middle leader remind me of how we shouldn’t make assumptions. This reminded me of Don Miguel Ruiz book The Four Agreements. One of the agreements, ‘Don’t make assumptions’, reminds us to communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. How many time […]

International Mind-Body Wellness Day – 3rd Jan

Today, Jan is International Mind-Body Wellness Day. What an opportunity to celebrate and recognise how a healthy mind means a healthy body. It’s also a good opportunity to be more intentional about improving your mind and body wellness. We are all so much more productive when both our mind and body is healthy. Why not […]

Leadership isn’t always about what happens when you are there….

It’s been a busy few months but I have thoroughly enjoyed my two terms as Interim Head at Gildredge House Free School. I was so touched by this personalised farewell card, especially as it is one of my favourite leadership quotes. I am delighted that Craig Bull will be leading this amazing school on the […]