Good health and wellness helps us achieve a balanced life. While the definition of health being ‘the absence of disease or sickness’ is a valid one, a broader, more holistic approach to health and wellness goes one step further, enabling you to become the best version of yourself.

According to science, holistic health and wellness is sustained by eight pillars: physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental. The journey is unique for each individual as your biology, personality, and environment will determine what wellness means to you. That’s why your approach should be personalised as you focus on the specific pillars you need to improve. The common thread for everyone is that wellness requires a holistic approach. 

My personalised LIfe Coaching for Nutrition programme helps individuals improve their health and wellness through a balanced nutritional cleansing programme that focuses on the metabolism, digestive system and internal stresses.

Waterman Coaching and Consultancy is partnered with a global company who provide nutrition solutions to improve wellness with the added benefits of increased energy, improved sleep and weight loss.

Contact me to book a 30 minute discovery call to find out if my nutrition solutions can help you to achieve your goals.